1-866-877-TRIP (8747) or 530-676-7430  |         

Meet Kathy Fantuzzi


email: or call 775-574-TRIP (8747) Cell: 775-544-1211

Welcome!!  If you can dream it, I would love the opportunity to put a package together for you that fits your individual desires, wants, and needs.  Whether your travel is for business, a vacation, a quick getaway, an adventure, or a family get-together, no trip is too big or too small.  Travel is my passion and I have over 30 years of travel experience and have myself traveled to many places around the world.  Physically touching every continent is a goal my husband and I hope to achieve (currently five and counting).  Cruising is my personal favorite and an excellent way to get an overview of several destinations in one trip, and a lot of pampering along the way. Assuming you enjoyed some or all of the destinations you visited, you can later plan a trip to the places you most enjoyed and will have the opportunity to stay for a longer period of time.

When planning a trip I know you have many choices and you have my promise that your best interests will always be first and foremost. I will give you the utmost in courtesy, cooperation, coordination, and attention to detail, while finding you the best possible price for your trip. Don’t be fooled by so called “internet deals” that can actually, in some instances, end up costing you more. Travel professionals have many, many sources available at our fingertips to plan your perfect trip to your specifications. Leave the research, paperwork, and concerns to me, knowing everything will be handled by a professional. It’s a privilege to be a member of Cordially Yours Travel and I look forward to planning your next trip.

Give me a call today and let me turn your dreams into a reality. I look forward to hearing from you.