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Russ spent eight years with NASA involved in High Energy Physics, Research and Development, and Cancer Research for the US space program. In doing so, he worked in some of the great medical centers in the US: Mayo Clinic, Univ of Virginia, Medical College of Virginia, Columbia Medical Center, Yale, and Harvard University etc. Later he spent 34 years in Medical Imaging involving Research Centers, Hospitals, Clinics and private office X-Ray facilities in 44 of the lower 48 states.. He worked 12 years in High End Teleradiology and developed PACS systems at medical institutions from Anchorage to St. Thomas, Portland to San Diego, Hawaii, and throughout Canada.
He finally gave up being the road warrior and settled into Real Estate in Rocklin, CA in 2002. With more leisure time, he now wants to use his travel experience to help others, especially in the cruising world. Been there - done that is part of his vocabulary.