1-866-877-TRIP (8747) or 530-676-7430  |         


TAPS (Travel Agent Professional Society) is a local group of travel agents working together and sharing information. Please call 530-676-7430 for information!

Mission Statement

The promotion of professionalism within the travel industry is paramount to this organization. Our mission is to perpetuate professional relationships between active, professional travel industry consultants in connecting with vendors and other industry travel supplier representatives. Recognizing the need and advantages of developing a networking environment, this organization will concentrate on face to face communication between Chapter members and with vendor representatives. These efforts are directed especially towards reaching out to hard-to-locate the home-based agent community within specific geographic areas.

Business Plan

The goal of this organization is to promote professionalism through both vendor education and industry educational opportunities. Within the first 3 years the plan is to:

  1. Develop a Code of Ethics specific to the organization and its activities, correspondence and actions.
  2. Grow the organization throughout the industry with Chapters that will follow the designated Mission Statement and assist in the development of #1 above.
  3. Establish a conference to be held yearly within certain geographic area Chapters to include members and those vendors who have supported the organizations efforts, for the purpose of networking, education and appreciation to participating vendor reps.

Policies and Procedures

  1. Each Chapter must select a TAPS Leader who will be responsible for:
    a. communicating with vendors and requesting vendor Hosting at a  meeting.
    b. setting of meeting dates, selection of vendors, etc.
    c. selecting meeting venues with the goal to work within a vendor’s  budget.
    d. advertise the events within the industry
    * Post each meeting on the TAPS webpage with meeting  time and date and RSVP information.
    * Submit all meetings scheduled into Travel Age West  for possible posting in their printed e. newsletter, but more importantly to their website for advertising.
    e. Keep a Current List of members and participating Vendors on the TAPS password protected webpage for members and vendors ONLY to access. Each name shall be identified with a specific Chapter name. All Leaders must be listed as such on the member list.

    f. Pass the webpage password information to those vendors who have committed and set a date for making a presentation to the Chapter(s).
    g. The purpose of the TAPS webpage is to facilitate networking between Chapter members, other Chapters and the vendors who have supported the organization. The Leader must keep their relative list current.
    h. Follow the professional Code of Ethics.
    i. Always sent Thank You notes to each and every Vendor to show appreciation for their participation, effort, and contribution to the organization and its members.
    j. Make every effort to share vendors with other Chapters to encourage convenience in meeting attendance as well as advertising efforts, etc.
    k. All Chapter Leaders must submit a Request from Gwen Duncan,   [Foothill-TAPS] for affiliation. Also, this Leader must sign a commitment to follow the specific Mission Statement, Business Plan, Leader Responsibilities and Membership guidelines before advertising affiliation. This is required before using the T.A.P.S. name! Written consent by Gwen Duncan, CTIE, CTC, MCC and Leader of founding Chapter Foothill-TAPS MUST be received.
  2. Each New proposed Chapter (and Chapter Leader) must adhere to the Policies, Procedures of the T.A.P.S. Organization and work with the headquarters in selecting a Chapter Name.
  3. It is recommended each Chapter hold at least one (1) social-only activity that will include vendors, members and spouses…..this can be done concurrent with an established conference.
  4. Choose from volunteers, a designated Public Relations Officer, someone who will take pictures at each meeting and submit them to www.hbtacommunity.com and also  in the TAPS webpage/calendar: http://www.cordiallyyourstravel.com/taps_calendar.html to include pictures of vendors and those who attend various meeting. This person should be identified on the member roster.
  5. To hold vendor meetings at once, or twice a month [suggestion to go DARK over Christmas Holiday] encouraging vendor hosting. The cost to the vendor minimal (approx. $10 per person) with members covering any additional cost: i.e. tips and beverages if and/or other, as necessary.
  6. Chapter Leaders to meet annually to develop ways to improve and enhance membership and amenities to membership and explore other educational opportunities for members.


  1. Membership into T.A.P.S. shall be FREE of Charge, at this time. Should a fee be determined to be instituted in the future All Charter Members of each Chapter will be waived from any membership dues. Charter members will be deemed those who exist on the roster before a decision is made.
  2. Specific educational opportunities will be made available at a reasonable fee and not required, though encouraged.
  3. Each new member must complete an application for participation, copy can be found by clicking here!
  4. Once received, a new member may be added to the contact list for a specific Chapter.
  5. Each member will be given the sign-in and password for entering the Members-Only site to access all of the member names and contact information, as well as the list of vendor’s representatives who have made presentations at any/all of the Chapter meetings.
  6. All members must follow the Professional Code of Ethics that will be printed on the website as soon as it is developed (by January 2009).
  7. It shall be the responsibility of all members to R.S.V.P. to the Leader regarding attendance to Chapter meetings. [This is necessary in giving vendors an accurate accounting of turnout for supplier materials and budgets].
  8. All members are required to bring business cards to pass out to vendors and other members.
  9. Each member is requested to help promote the organization to other consultants, both store-front and home-based to enhance the networking experience.
  10. Members should take the liberty to encourage prospective vendors to participate and to share that information with the Chapter Leader(s).
  11. Members are encouraged to support participating vendors.

Prospective Chapter Leaders please sign and remit the form below, via e-mail to , fax to: 530-676-3758, or mail to: 4400 Duncan Hill Rd. Rescue, Calif. 95672

All other inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact this office by phone: 530-6767430  Attention GWEN.


I, _____________________________, [Print Name] would like to start a new Chapter of T.A.P.S. (Travel Agent Professional Society) in ________________________. [City, County or Area]

Please list Industry Affiliations:
____________________________  ___________________________
____________________________  ___________________________
____________________________  ___________________________
____________________________  ___________________________

Years of Industry Experience: __________________

Paragraph: Why I wish to be a Leader of TAPS in my area?


By signature below I will adhere to the responsibility of a Chapter Leader and work to improve and enhance the T.A.P.S. member experience, and importantly concentrate efforts in developing a supplier network to promote their services and products to all members.

The Term of this leadership is subject to the designated Leader’s decision to abandon the position, or the corresponding Chapter’s decision to alternate responsibility. Termination can be by either party to this agreement. The Chapter Leader must make every effort to find a replacement for the Chapter as soon as possible to allow for seamless transferring of responsibility etc. This office can terminate a Leader if the Leader shows a willful and wonton disregard for the organizations Mission and purpose, and blatant violation of the established Code of Ethics.


[Signature of prospective Chapter Leader]                    DATE

Gwendolyn Duncan  CTIE, CTC, MCC
Founder of T.A.P.S. (Foothill Chapter)

(last revised 11/12/2008)